Monday, May 18, 2020

My Secret for Beautiful Hair and Nails

Remember that old saying, you are what you eat?

Well, it's true! Let me explain...

Three years ago I was having some auto-immune issues and started researching holistic ways to fix them. Throughout my research, I discovered that the stomach issues I was having could possibly be relieved by collagen.

I ate my way to poor health!

If the solution isn't invasive or doesn't cost a lot, I'm always willing to try it in the hopes that it'll help.

So I got onto Amazon and ordered this: Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate

I didn't notice anything the first week or two, but by the time I had finished the canister of Collagen, my stomach issues were subsiding, and my hair was getting crazy long!

So I kept on using the collagen in my morning coffee.

After three months something odd happened, I realized that I actually had to file my nails down. That in itself was unusual, my nails always broke or split. I never really had to trim them because of the breaking and splitting. 

Three years later I am still using the collagen, and my hair and nails are really nice looking. 

On a side note, I did try several different brands of collagen and the Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate worked the best for me.

 “As an Amazon Associate. I earn from qualifying purchases.”

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